A Guide on Safety Equipment

Industrial and construction sites expose employees and contractors to a wide range of risks, including falls, defective equipment, severe weather, and accidents caused by negligence. As such, safety is a critical aspect of any construction or industrial project. This extract discusses the safety equipment that contractors should consider using at their sites. 

Personal Protective Equipment (PPEs)

PPEs are safety clothing that help prevent injuries in case of an accident. Reflective jackets, gloves, safety boots, and helmets are considered standard PPEs in most sites. However, the site conditions could prompt you to use advanced PPEs. For instance, you will need respirators when dealing with dangerous fumes. Goggles will protect your eyes as you weld, while ear muffs protect the eardrums when working in noisy conditions. You will need a safety harness when working at heights.  

Fire Safety Equipment

Fires can erupt due to faulty equipment and the negligence of your employees. As such, your site should have appropriate and conveniently located fire extinguishers. Besides, you should have emergency water supplies to be used by firefighters in case of an accident. Industrial buildings must meet the recommended essential safety standards. Typically, they should have emergency exits, ventilation systems, smoke detectors, and fire alarms to minimise fire damage. 


Proper communication can help prevent accidents at the site. As such, your site personnel should develop an effective communication strategy. For example, they could use flags and walkie-talkies to communicate with plant operators at the site. Flags could also be used to inform personnel about the safety of site equipment. For instance, when using scaffolding, a green flag could mean that the equipment is in excellent condition. A yellow light means that the scaffold needs minor repairs or an inspection, while a red flag indicates that the equipment is defective. 

Barriers and Warning Signs

Your site should have barricades to prevent unauthorised personnel from visiting the site. It should also have proper signage to warn employees and other personnel about site hazards such as pits, slippery surfaces, live electrical cables, and dangerous materials such as asbestos. When building multi-storey buildings, install safety nets to prevent construction waste from falling into neighbouring properties. 

As a rule, you should have adequate insurance coverage to protect your employees, subcontractors, and any third-parties that visit the site. It guarantees compensation and prevents liabilities in case of an accident. 

Safety equipment at construction and industrial sites include personal protective equipment, fire safety devices, signals, barriers, and warning signs. 
