Two Reasons Why Homeowners With Damaged Brick Retaining Walls Should Get Them Fixed Quickly

Here are two reasons why homeowners whose brick retaining walls have been damaged should get their walls fixed fast. 

Damaged bricks could compromise strength and stability

When a person notices that one or two of the bricks in their retaining wall are damaged, they might think that this isn't something that requires urgent repair. However, even just a few damaged bricks which don't get fixed fast enough might compromise the strength and stability of a large part of the retaining wall. The reason for this is that due to the nature of this type of wall, it is always under constant pressure from the materials (i.e. the soil, trees, etc.) behind it.

As such, if a few of its bricks are damaged (for example, if there is cracking or spalling) and cannot contribute to the wall's stability, the other bricks that are adjacent to them will be put under greater pressure. Over time, this might cause these other bricks, which may have previously been in perfect condition, to also get damaged. If a homeowner continues to ignore this problem, a big part of their retaining could collapse. By getting a contractor to replace or do repairs to the small number of damaged bricks when they first notice them, a homeowner could avoid the risks and expenses that would come with dealing with the collapse of a section of their retaining wall.

Protruding wall bricks might damage things in front of the wall

Bulging bricks are a common problem with brick retaining walls; this can be caused by issues with the drainage channels behind the walls, which can then lead to rainwater in the soil behind the wall travelling through the mortar between the bricks. This can then result in the bricks loosening and bulging forward. One reason why homeowners should be quick to call contractors if they discover that their brick retaining walls are damaged in this way is that, if they don't, any protruding bricks in their walls could harm the plants or furniture that are in front of them.

For example, if they have plants growing close to the base of the retaining wall, the rough and possibly cracked surface of the protruding bricks could damage the delicate leaves or petals of these plants, as the wind causes the latter to sway and brush against the former. Likewise, if a person has a bolted-down bench seat (i.e. one they cannot easily move from its position near the wall) and some of the wall's bricks protrude forward to the point where they're scraping against the back of this bench seat, they could cause the painted metal or varnished wood surface on this part of the bench to wear off.

To learn more about brick retaining walls, reach out to a contractor or supplier near you.
